Sunday 5 October 2014

My Personal Beliefs About Teaching and Learning

      Jean Jacques Rousseau once said, "We are born weak, we have need of help; we are born destitute of everything, we stand in need of assistance; we are born stupid, we have need of understanding, all that we are not possessed of at our birth, and which we require when grown up, is bestowed upon us by education". There is no need to dispute this great philosopher's view as it is a statement which stimulates the mind, and poses questions such as; What is teaching ? What is education? or even What is learning? Surely one cannot exist without the other.
     Teaching, education or learning I believe they are almost one in the same. An educator is one who is ever learning, the one who is learning is also a teacher in his or her own right and education is just the process by which it is done. Teaching is simply the act by which one imparts knowledge, skills, instructions, morals, values and the like to another. The pedagogy of our world has been in existence even before man formulated a profession out of the art . That in itself tells how great the power of education is. Our forefathers taught us through traditions and rituals passed on from generation to generation, to think of the rich heritage we have and who we are is because of education, teaching and learning is simply amazing.
  I believe that everyone and anyone can learn and as human beings it is our right to be educated.  It is unfortunate that there are still parts of the world where education for all (both male and female) is taboo and frowned upon. True freedom lies in the pedagogy of those being oppressed in impoverish parts of the world. The people who are being robbed of their rights and remain in ignorance because of those who are threatened by the potential of those they oppress. I truly believe that there are great minds the world will never know of because of the selfish deeds of others. This is not a freedom speech and I'm trying my best not to become emotional or political in sharing my beliefs about teaching and learning here :) 
    The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education and that's the view of the late Martin Luther King, Jr. I believe that the world should be in unionism when dealing with the issue of education for all.
Bringing the matter back to the classroom.
  •  It is my view that a teacher must understand the purpose of education. 
  • Teaching and education is a tool in which we carve the future we desire our children and grandchildren to dwell in. 
  • I believe that freedom lies in education, whether it be academic, skills, training, gifts, talents or abilities. 
  • I believe that no child should be left behind.
  • I believe in equity and equality in every classroom within our nations educational system.
  • I believe that gender, race, ethnicity or social stratification must not play a deciding role in the way a child ought to be educated.  (as humans we are all equal and are entitled to the same benefits).
  • I believe that more should be done for the education of the differently able, whether they be blind, hearing-impaired or totally deaf, autistic and dyslexic etc.
  • I believe learning must be fun and interactive. 
  • I believe it is the teacher's job to ensure students are excited about topics and eager to be back in their classrooms.
  • I believe to be a teacher is a calling and a gift and it ought not to simply to sought as a job, but in fact a career. (My opinion of a job is something  you do because you need the money, a career is doing what you love and receiving a salary). 

I can go on , but I'd like to keep this short, simple and sweet. :) YUP, those are my beliefs about teaching, learning and education. 

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