Sunday 2 November 2014

Pre-School Math Lesson (Good Teaching)

(This video was sourced from YouTube. Credits to the editor, teacher etc is already included in the video itself).

In my opinion, this video is by far an awesome example of exceptional teaching. Why? Well I'm glad you asked. The following is a list of reasons;

  1. The teacher began by getting the children's attention. (Asking them to make a semi-circle). This is an important key to teaching any lesson. Beginning a lesson without having your students attention makes absolutely no sense. 
  2. The teacher exerted a clear understanding of the cognitive development stage and attention span of the age group she was teaching. This was shown in the techniques she used to get the lesson across. 
  3. The strategies used appealed to the three types of learners. For example, "The Mr. Shark and Fishies song" appealed to auditory learners, colourful objects were provided for the visual learners and for the kinesthetic learners, they were provided with the "hands on" materials they needed for the lesson.
  4. The manner in which the lesson was executed, it was clear that the teacher was very much prepared for the class. (It is imperative that educators have prerequisites of the lessons they would be teaching to their students).The two P's were clearly present, "Planning and Preparation".
  5. The classroom environment catered for expression without ridicule. Students were fully engaged in  the lesson.
  6. All students were included in the lesson and were encouraged to participate. 
  7. No child was left behind, the teacher gave all students equal attention. At times when two students did not the correct amount of "fishes" she ensured that they were all at the same level before she moved on. 
  8. The teacher met the children at their level. She spoke the language I call, "Children-ese" . She did not use sophisticated language, or "big words" as we Trini's like to say. 
  9. Overall the teacher managed her classroom well, in that she maintained the student's attention throughout the entire lesson. She also managed the transition from, auditory and visuals to kinesthetic materials for every type of leaner. There were no signs of confusions.
  10. The teacher maintained her sanity, teaching children at this age can be challenging if one is unprepared and unaware of the way children's minds work. 
  11. The teacher did not raise her voice when students weren't all on the page. She gave instruction and direction without speaking to children condescendingly.
  12. The teacher remained professional. 
I did not find any faults with this teacher's methods. From my understanding as a prospective teacher, this person shows a practical example of Charlotte Danielson's Framework for Professional Practice. I really enjoyed the video, the teacher's tone, the way in which she dealt with the students, her enthusiasm filtered down to her students. Children can tell whether you are interested in them by your body language and tone of voice. Clearly they enjoyed this lesson, as well I, because after looking at the video i found myself singing along . Kudos to this teacher!! She's awesome and I am too :) 

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